I saw the movie, and it was awesome! I went to a theater that showed it in IMAX, with the 20 battle scene in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH, it was great! It really felt like you were in the movie and could reach out and really touch the thestrals.
Many people (mainly crafters) have commented about the knitted/crocheted items in the film. Most notable was the shrug worn by the character Luna Lovegood.
A pattern for a really close look-alike item can be found here:
I think I have also discovered the stitch that was used to create Luna's sweater for the battle scene. I won't disclose it yet, as I want to try a swatch first and then attempt to create the sweater itself.
I'm also looking for pictures of the hats, scarves, sweaters & hoodies found in the film.
"You're as sane as I am." - Luna Lovegood
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Harry Potter! (and knitting, too!)
Posted by
11:15 AM
Pattern Link
Thursday, July 26, 2007
My ITE IV tote
I received this package from my partner in the International Tote Exchange IV. What a wonderful surprise!
Posted by
7:40 PM
Craft Exchange
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Filet crochet, not mignon or sole
This is partially so I don't lose this info, but also in case anyone would want it. (Not that anyone reads my blog but me.) :-(
For Filet Crochet: to calculate length of foundation,count numbers of square in row 1,multiply by 3 anad add one more to ch
Posted by
10:53 AM
I have added a link on the right side under Home Education to a site that has some Mallard Fillmore comic strips. These pertain to Home Schoolers and the current NEA (National Educators Association) opinions about parents taking their children's education into their own hands.
Posted by
9:05 AM
Home Education,
Just for Fun
Monday, July 23, 2007
ITE Knitted Bag
Here is the knitted bag I made for the International Tote Exchange. The pattern is from the June issue of Simple Knitting.I made some modifications, due to the yarn I was using. It called for wool, and since I am allergic.....
I added a surprise - photochromic buttons. They change colors from white to purple. She said she likes color, but not neons, and likes textures. I hope the recipient likes it!
Posted by
10:03 AM
Finished Works,
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Age of Consent in Indiana is 14 as of July 1, 2007!!!!!!!
'Romeo and Juliet' law starts
I have been out of town and so I missed this if it was in the Indy Star paper. My dh told me to turn on the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News this evening to see a blurb about this law. I could not believe that it went into effect on July 1! I am outraged!!!! Did anyone see this in the paper? The article was actually written for the Journal & Courier in Lafayette. It has been distributed via the Associated Press, but not very widely. I feel that this law requires action on our part as parents, as this portion of the law simply encourages our young people to be sexual active without the possiblity of consequences.
I am composing a letter to our congressmen to protest this law and request its amendment. This may not do much good as the law was passed 98-2 on the 3rd reading reading in the Indiana House http://www.ai.org/legislative/bills/2007/PDF/Hrollcal/0313.PDF.pdf and 44 to 5 in the Indiana Senate http://www.ai.org/legislative/bills/2007/PDF/Srollcal/0402.PDF.pdf .
After reading the bill itself, it is evident that this is a line-item addition to a bill that has some very important changes. Most of the legislators probably were either willing to allow this addition to pass in order to get the rest of the items in to law or were ignorant of its inclusion.
It is so sad to see another reason why our society is out of whack and that we need to be so vigilant for our children's well-being.
I'm off my soap box now.
Posted by
10:44 PM
Crochet-based Economy
I read this blog entry from one of my fav email lists, Crochet Partners, and I just had to respond! I have copied my response below, but in the interest of the rights of intellectual property, I request you click on the link to read the original post to the blog.
Here is my response:
"I am so glad I am not a traitor to the cause! One project at a time?!? Blasphemy!!!
For those of us cross-breeds (both knitters and crocheters), I would add NAS = Needle Acquisition Syndrome as well as the general NAAS = Needlework Accessory Acquisition Syndrome, we can't forget all those lovely gadgets that help us create our works of love, if not, art. BAS (as stated by Bonnie) and FIPAS (Free Internet Pattern Acquisition Syndrome) I would freely include in the PAS, lest we get too confused by too many abbreviations.
And, on the topic of ecology, many of us also recycle those grocery bags to use in projects. Plus, we have encouraged yarn manufacturers to create yarns with other such renewable resources as corn, soy, bamboo, sari fabric, etc. Yeah for us needleworkers who assist in the global economy as well!
This is not to forget those independent designers, who have been encouraged to create more patterns to feed our addiction. And several of those designers have become published as a result of the internet and our societal needleworkers support.
And then those ball winders, that necessity to aid us in keeping order of our stash. Or, at least, attempted order. Plus the act of winding can be meditative, as well, as addictive.
And for the computer programs, we also need them to keep a list of our WIP, WIM and to aid us in calculations and conversions. So, computer programmers are a portion of *another* industry we support.
You are so right! Without us crocheters (and knitters, too!) our economy, as well as our society in general, would completely collapse!
Thank you for putting into words what so many of us feel!
Happy Hooking!"
Oh, and I forgot to include this comment from the CP list:
"LOL JD too funny but you forgot we also help with the housing boom
because as George Carlin says we need stuff, then a place to put our
stuff, then more stuff to put our stuff in, then a bigger house so we
can go out and buy MORE STUFF!
The blessed Law of Stuff!"
Posted by
10:22 AM